Welcome to South Bay Japanese Language Study Group


This is a group for anyone studying this wondrous language. Whether your goal is to travel Japan, experience Japanese media in its original form, or add to humanity's understanding of 古語, this is a social space for you to study and network.

Table of Contents


Study Hall

Repeating in-person study hall. If you use Meetup.com, you can RSVP there. Otherwise, use email, Discord, or telephony. RSVPs are important, as it ensures a room of required size is booked. If you do not RSVP and there is not enough room for everyone, you will be relegated elsewhere if a larger room cannot be secured.

DOW Frequency Time Location Example Meetup Status
Monday Biweekly 18:00〜20:00 Mountain View Public Library {link} Resumed
Thursday Weekly 10:00〜12:00 Santa Teresa Public Library {link} Suspended
Weekend Monthly 10:00~12:00 Hayward Library Future



A calendar of sorts. Disussion and messaging on Meetup.com is discouraged; please keep correspondence to other channels.

South Bay Japanese Language Study Group Meetup

eMail Discussion List

I am in the process of setting up an email discussion list for discussion about the group and potential and real events. Until it is finished, you can pre-signup and email me any questions you have for the group by using the mailto link under "My Contact Info" or by sending a message directly to my email address with [South Bay Japanese Language Study Group] or [SBJLSG] in the subject heading. If you indicate interest, group announcements will be sent to the email address you provide.


A private social hub centered around the group. Consider the group's Discord server an ancillary, 24/7 online study hall. Discussion here is more free than during meetups and can be about anything related to the group and its interests. No official anything is done here, so do not use it as your primary medium for keeping in touch.

My Contact Info

To contact me directly, use this email link or get my number from a meetup.